Mothers know best — and this applies even to new moms who constantly worry about doing the best for their babies. When a woman becomes pregnant, we often stop at different baby stores, adoring all these cute stuff for our little one.

Moms are often overly excited about purchasing their baby’s clothes and sometimes, we forget about being careful in choosing the right ones that are safe for them.

Now, in terms of thinking about the safest way to wash baby clothes, worry no more because it is not as tough and complicated as you may think.

Here are 3 simple ways on how to wash baby clothes:

1. Choosing the right detergent

Your baby’s skin is delicate that is why it is important to find the right detergent to wash your baby’s clothes. It can become quite overwhelming, especially for first-time moms because there is so much to choose from but you should always pick detergents that are fragrance-free. Keep in mind that some babies are sensitive to any scented products.

2. Always wash newly bought or hand-me-down baby clothes

One of the mistakes that us moms make is not washing newly bought or hand-me-down clothes. You want to ensure that the clothes you put on your baby are clean and freshly laundered with the right detergent. You never know what might come in contact with the clothes prior to you getting them and your baby’s skin could become irritated.

In addition, it is also important to check newly bought baby clothes for stickers before washing them because it is a lot easier to peel them off and labels can leave a sticky residue behind.

3. Dealing with poop and other stains

Yes, dealing with poop and other stains is one of the most common problems a mom faces when washing baby clothes. Even with diapers, there are instances when you can’t avoid inevitable poop blowouts.

To get those poop stains out, it is important to soak the clothing first in warm water before throwing it into the wash. You may also need to pre-treat it with lemon juice or your reliable pre-treater. After soaking, you can use an old toothbrush to scrub the stained area and finally, wash as usual with the right detergent.

There are also different ways to deal with specific stains and there are some amazing laundry hacks you can follow to deal with stubborn stains.

Check out this video tutorial from Pillar Family on how to remove poop stains from baby clothes easily.

You probably didn’t realize how much laundry you would face when your bundle of joy arrives and sometimes, even the most organized mom can find it a little challenging and frustrating. Mastering these simple techniques will help you along the way and prevent overflowing laundry bins.